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Proven RN Recruitment Strategies [2024] | Ampliz_Guide | DigitalNeel07

Table of Contents

1. Reasons for the Huge Gap in Demand and Supply of Registered Nurses

2. Needs to Hire Registered Nurses

3. Skills and Qualifications to Look For In Registered Nurses

4. 10 Registered Nurse Recruitment Strategies

Recruiting registered nurses who are qualified, can work in stressful conditions, good listening and problem-solving ability have become more challenging than ever before.

RN Recruitment Discussion Table strategies

A satisfied customer for any healthcare organization is a timely recovered patient. That smile of gratitude and satisfaction on the face of patients and their loved ones is the ultimate motivation for the doctors. But do you think it’s only the efforts of doctors that make this happen?

Clearly no.

A fully recovered patient is the combined effort of doctors and nurses. For any healthcare organization Recruiting registered nurses is equally important as doctors.

The optimum numbers of nurses help in administering medications, checking vital signs, liaising with physicians and specialists, and answering patients‘ questions.

And the shortage of registered nurses creates great havoc in terms of overcrowding of emergency rooms, long waiting hours for patients, overload of existing staff, etc.

That’s why the demand for registered nurses is increasing day by day. But following correct registered nurse recruitment strategies will help you to cope up with this increased demand for registered nurses and ease your burden of shortage of registered nurses.

According to the US Bureau of labor statistics, approximately 194500 demands for registered nurses are going to be created every year till 2030.

This will make the recruiting process for registered nurses even more challenging. There is a huge gap between the demand and supply of registered nurses.

Wondering why?

Let’s explore the reasons behind this huge peak in demand for registered nurses.

Reasons for the Huge Gap in Demand and Supply of Registered Nurses The registered nurse recruitment process has become very difficult because the experienced nurses are on the verge of leaving the profession due to many reasons, and on the other hand hospitals don’t find fresher nurses suitable for the workload they have in their hospital.

Let’s see the more common reasons for this huge gap-

1. According to the American association of critical care nurses, almost 66% of nurses have considered leaving their profession due to burnout during covid.

2. According to the nursing world, about 50000 nurses are going to retire by the end of this year.

3. According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, in 2020 nursing schools had declined by 80251 applications due to inadequate staffing and teaching faculties.

Thus, day-by-day decline in the number of nurses and increase demand for nurses, require a strategic recruitment process to hire a nurse.

Let’s dive deeper to discuss the need for registered nurses and the strategies for recruiting registered nurses.

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Needs to Hire Registered Nurses

The presence of registered nurses makes the process smooth for doctors and patients.

Let’s discuss some of the important functions of nurses in healthcare organizations-

1. To manage patients’ intake and collect health histories.

2. To assess patients’ vital signs and coordinate care.

3. To educate patients and their loved ones about diagnosis, medications, and care regimes.

4. To consult with physicians to develop and deliver care plans.

5. To populate and maintain electronic health records.

6. Skills and Qualifications to Look For In Registered Nurses.

7. Though there is a huge gap between the demand and supply of registered nurses, you can’t compromise with certain skills and qualifications while hiring a candidate.

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